Fat Loss 4 Idiots

It's insane to repeat the same behavior

 while expecting a different outcome.

What this means is that you cannot get slimmer until you CHANGE your eating habits to something NEW and DIFFERENT, something which you've never tried before

For example, if you choose not to begin using this diet and you keep eating your same meals.......then you'll be stuck with the SAME BODY forever.   Your body will not change all by itself, because you won't wake up one morning and be thinner until you TAKE THAT FIRST STEP and try something new.
The MAIN Reason Which Prevents People From Losing Weight...

The main reason which prevents people from losing weight is ENDLESS procrastination.

Most people tell themselves that they'll begin dieting "next week" or "after some future holiday" (or some other excuse) -- and that let's them procrastinate even further.

::The Truth::

The truth is that it doesn't matter what month it is.

...And it doesn't matter what time of year it is either.........since it's foolish to wait until a particular month to get slim.  

Why would you want to remain overweight until some future "month" or "time of year"?  

Getting slim allows you to wear more attractive (and better fitting) clothes right now..........and that feeling is very worthwhile.   

::Pull Out Your Calendar::

We encourage you to pull out your calendar and circle today's date.   Then, count ahead 11 days and circle that day too That day will be coming very fast, so why not be slimmer on that day? 

Every journey begins with taking that first step.............and if you never take that first step then you'll never have a thinner and more attractive body.

HCG - a Revolution in Weight loss

If you've heard of HCG, then you already know how powerful it is for weight loss. If you haven't heard of HCG, Keep reading!

This guide will take you through every step of the way of how to implement the HCG diet.

You will learn:
  • Why HCG works.

  • Where to get HCG.

  • What's the best way to administer HCG for you.

  • The easiest way to do this diet.

  • Step by step instructions.

  • What supplies you will need for the HCG diet, and where to get them.

  • Each phase of the diet in detail.

  • What's new to the diet since it came out over 40 years ago.

  • Trouble shooting problems.

  • Tips and tricks on every aspect of the diet.

  • Tips and tricks to effortlessly maintain your weight loss.

  • And much much more. And if we've left anything out, you can contact us as long as you need to, and have all your questions aswered.

If you haven't heard of HCG, and you have struggled to lose weight, then you will remember this day as the day that changed your life forever.

Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed ...

This ebook is the final solution you'll ever need for losing weight. Unlike mega-rich corporations who only give one piece of the puzzle at a time and charge you for it - you will know everything necessary for losing 5 to 7 pounds weekly from my ebook. Upfront. (There's absolutely no other product you'll need to purchase!) This is the fastest and easiest way I can reach the masses. And I invite you to download this ebook today and use the Image Transformation Weight Loss System™ to turn your body into a perpetual fat burning machine.
Please keep in mind, that I'm not making any outlandish claims that you'll lose 20, 30 pounds in a week. If that's what you're looking for, then this ebook isn't for you. You're free to continue pouring your money into products that only work for a small percentage of the population. Maybe 5% at best.

But if you want to learn a proven weight loss method that works for 98% of the population and you want the no-holds barred truth about weight loss, then "Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed" is for you.
Not only will you get the unvarnished truth about losing weight, and how to do it once and for all with significant results -- you'll be able to lose weight in a healthy and natural way. This is safe and natural weight loss at its best. That's why I encourage you to decide now to download your copy of "Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed."

Here's a snapshot of what's in this eye-opening ebook:

  • Know the 3 things that always speed up your metabolism
  • Why you should never perform aerobic exercise within 2 hours of a meal if you want to lose weight
  • What the best time of the day is for exercise so you can effortlessly peel away years of unwanted fat and inches - If you don't know this you will never see noticeable weight loss results
  • How to be in the top 10% of people at the gym who know exactly what they're doing to rapidly lose weight
  • What no one is telling you about your metabolism. - Without this piece of the puzzle - you'll never lose weight
  • Why the myth of intense weight training for building up dense muscle tissue to speed up your metabolism isn't entirely true. If you don't know what you're doing you could end up bigger and bulkier with a wrestler's physique. - learn how to really use weight training to effectively burn fat off your trouble areas
  • Why you absolutely must do a specific weight training routine along with aerobic exercise to see life long weight loss results
  • Which is most important for losing weight? (A) Proper Nutrition (B) Specialized Aerobic Exercise (C) Specialized Anaerobic Exercise
    (Get the book to learn this answer!)
  • True or false? Being sore for up to 2 days after a workout is a good thing or a bad thing? - Answer uncovered in Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed
  • Know undoubtedly which sources of protein, carbohydrates, and veggies you can eat for maximum weight loss results
  • Learn which fats can kill and which can heal you and slender your body down
  • What type of fat you should consume daily (At least 1 tablespoon) to see excellent results for losing weight and firming up
  • Do you know what the 2 most important meals of the day are? HINT: If you don't know this, it's arguable whether you'll ever lose significant weight
  • Learn what your metabolism cycles are so you can effortlessly lose weight, accelerate your metabolism and firm up, tone down and look your best surprisingly fast
  • Plus much more!